Friday, June 3, 2011

To clarify & update

Hello everyone!  Just thought I'd update with a quick note.  Some of you have asked, and yes, there will be tickets available at the door for those of you who won't know until the last minute whether or not you'll be able to come.  Here's my disclaimer on that statement: For those of you who know before hand that you can come, please, please don't wait to buy your tickets at the door.  Remember, our reunion budget is determined by ticket sales, so the funds from tickets sold at the door won't contribute to our overall budget for our 10-year reunion because we'll receive them without any time to use them.  I'm trying to figure out a way around that so the the money received from last minute ticket sales can be used rather than saved for our 20-year, but so far I haven't figured anything out.  If any of you have suggestions on this shoot me an e-mail and let me know!

Also, I won't be sending out any physical tickets once you've made your purchase.  You should get a confirmation e-mail from PayPal once you've bought your tickets and are welcome to print that out and bring it with you, should you worry we won't have records of your purchase.  Let me assure you that every e-mail I get confirming ticket purchases I keep, so no one should get overlooked.  Plus there is a guest list located at the bottom of this blog and once I get a new purchase, I add that person to the list with a "+1."

Thank you so much for those of you that have already bought your tickets!  I've noticed a lack in ticket purchases and am starting to stress that the majority of tickets won't get bought until just before our reunion and if that happens there's just not enough time for me to get everything purchased, rented, organized, and put together--even with the help of all those that have wonderfully volunteered to help when that time comes.  Right now because of our seriously lacking budget, I'm worried that rental places will not have certain items available to rent (like tents) since summer is a big wedding season.  So it is with this in mind that I regretfully will have to up the ticket prices.

Here's the breakdown:
tickets purchased by June 25th...$50
tickets purchased by July 15th...$60
tickets purchased at the door...$70

I know it sucks to do it this way, but that's the only solution we've come up with to aid in ticket sales.  For those of you who truly won't know until the last minute whether or not you'll be able to make it, this is what I've come up with in order to be as fair as I can: If you e-mail me by June 25th telling me you won't know until the last minute, you retain the $50 ticket price, for those that e-mail me by July 15th, you will retain the $65 ticket price, and for those that e-mail me after that or not at all you will pay the full $75 ticket price.  Fair?  I guess?

I'm going with the honor system on this one, so please don't e-mail me saying you won't know until the last minute whether or not you're coming if that isn't the case just to delay your ticket purchase.  If there are extenuating circumstances to why you won't be able to buy your ticket before the price goes up then contact me.  I'm more than willing to work with you.  For those that are out of state, simply saying that you're out of state won't cut it as far as retaining the $50 price past June 25th since it's only a month before the reunion.  I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, really, I don't mean to be.  It's just decision time here people :)

Also, some have already e-mailed me or contacted me through Facebook about not being able to make it due to previous engagements.  Thank you for letting me know.  If you wish to RSVP to decline that would be wonderful too, so I can stop harassing you!  Ha!

*Remember: to contact Andrew and me, e-mail us at

Finally, We've started putting together a "then and now" slideshow to watch at our reunion, so whether or not you're planning on coming, we'd love to know what you're up to these days!  E-mail us what you'd like to include in the slideshow about your life now and in the past 10 years, keeping it to a paragraph or two and any pictures you may want.  The deadline to have this to us is July 15th!  Our goal is to have everyone in there so if you know of someone who doesn't have this info. please pass it on!


P.S. I want to say I'm sorry to the few of you I was harsh with on our reunion Facebook page.  While it was what I felt, I should have used a bit more restraint and tact in my replies to you.  I've felt regret in the weeks since then and hope that you will accept my sincere apology.  Apparently, being diplomatic at the end of a very long day is not one of my attributes.  I'll work on that.

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